Age Guidelines For Toys May Not Always Be Accurate For Autistic Children

If you’re a parent of an autistic child, you know how difficult it can be to find the proper toys and games to help enhance your child’s development.

Children with Autism need to be carefully evaluated, and often the age recommendations on the usual toys do not apply for children who have autism. These children require special toys that are suited to the specific autism disorder and severity level that the child has. The autism spectrum covers everything from mild learning disorders all the way up to a complete failure by the child to engage with other people and the world.

Toys designed for children who have autism should be chosen based on what the child prefers, the specific disorder that the child has, and the unique ability and level of function of the child. This will help ensure that only the best and most beneficial toys are chosen. The toy presented should be safe for the child, and should engage the child in the intended play. For some children with autism solitary play is preferred, while some autistic children may play with others in some capacity.

The variety of toys for autistic children available may surprise many parents. A number of companies that specialize in infant and child products have developed a special line of autism toy products as this spectrum of disorders is understood more fully. These toys are intended to provide a positive play experience for the child, regardless of the disabilities or limitations that the child may have.

Children with autism still have the same needs and desires for toys. The difference is that toys that are given to autistic children must be chosen much more carefully, and there are a number of additional considerations in addition to age that needs to be evaluated. A child who will not engage with others will probably not enjoy a toy designed for shared play, but a child who will engage may benefit from the same toy.

Toys can be found in many stores, as well as online. Many groups that advocate for autistic children offer helpful tips on the right toys, based on the ability and social interaction of the child. Autistic children enjoy toys very much, as long as the toy is the right one for the specific child and the degree of autism that the child has.

What Can They Play With?

Choosing toys for an Autistic child is an important task, and if this is not done carefully the end result may not be the expected one. Just because an autistic child may not interact with the world and other people as expected does not mean that these children do not love or need toys. Autistic kids are still kids, but the toys must be carefully considered before buying. If possible ask the child what toy is desired, or go through a toy guide together to get some ideas of what the child wants.

Many autistic children like to mouth objects, so it is important that the toys picked do not include any toxic substances or harmful chemicals in case these are ingested. The toy should also not pose any choking risk if placed in the mouth, for the same reason. Toys that can be washed are a great idea to prevent any transmission risks if the child gets sick.

There are some guides available to help in choosing toys for autistic children. These guides identify toys that are good choices and some may explain what types of toys to look for. Autism is a broad spectrum and can include many types of behaviors and learning difficulties. These children also tend to be isolated or loners, so the toys picked should encourage interaction with others instead of allowing the child to play alone.

Discovery Toys is one manufacturer that specializes in toys to meet the needs of all children. Every autistic child is different, with different needs, abilities, and levels of knowledge. The best toy will be one that the child enjoys and can play without any frustration or too much stimulation. Bright colors may engage some autistic children but in others may be too stimulating and cause agitation. The level of functioning that the child has is the most important consideration.

Toys come in all types, and can be found fairly easy with a little effort. It is important that the parent understands the limitations and behaviors of the child when considering a specific toy. Some autistic children are high functioning while others may function in a much more limited capacity.

How To Find Toys For A Child With Autism

There are many ways to find toys for kids with autism, and each method has benefits and possible disadvantages. There are many associations for parents of autistic children, and many of these associations have tips, lists, and advice on which toy types are ideal for kids with this condition are often provided. These guidelines also often include a list of toys that may not be a good choice for a child that has autism.

Another method is to search the Internet for toy manufacturers that specialize in special needs children. Many toy companies have a line of toys designed specifically for autism, and others carry a line of specialty toys that can meet many types of special needs. This method may cost more because the toys are designed specifically for autistic children. Many typical childhood toys can be used or adapted for situations where special needs are present.

Toys for autistic children can be found in any store that specializes in toys. Toys R’ Us actually has a guide that can help parents of special needs children including autism, and the guide can be very helpful in the toy selection process. Some other manufacturers have also developed guides and selection tips for this situation. It is important to remember the don’t as well as the do’s when looking for toys in this case.

Make sure that the toys chosen for the child do not cause frustration, and that they are appropriate for the skill level of the child. Toys should encourage social interaction and should not contain any harmful or toxic materials. Some online retailers offer toys from some regions of the globe that may contain lead, mercury, or other toxic compounds. Make sure that all of the components are safe because many autistic children have a tendency to place objects in their mouths repeatedly.

Knowing how to find toys for autistic children can help ensure that the child has all of the appropriate toys needed. Some toys may not be ideal because they can cause the child to become over-stimulated or frustrated. Other toys may be a poor choice because they are designed for solitary play.