Indoor Snow Fun

What do you think of when you think of snow fun? Sledding? Snowmen? Snowball fight?
What if you live in an area without snow? What if you live in a snowy area and it is just not snowing? This is always a concern for preschool teachers preparing for a unit on snow. What if there is no snow? If you are looking out your window at brown grass, never fear. Plan an indoor preschool snow adventure!

Set Your Snow Scene

1. Drape a white sheet over a folding table to make an igloo.
2. Tuck white socks into (snow) balls.
3. Cut snowflakes from white construction paper. A few cuts to make V shapes from the edges will look great.
4. Tear construction paper into pieces for snow. (This is great for the pincher grasp that is necessary for writing.)
5. Use pieces of white felt to make snowdrifts. As you are doing this, talk about where the snow is.

Make Some Snow Treats

1. Put miniature marshmallows (snowballs) in hot chocolate. Use leftover candy canes to stir.
2. Make a snowman snack. (Place raisins and carrots to make a snowman face on a white paper plate.)
3. Make snowman cakes. (Frost cupcakes with white frosting and use chocolate chips or other small candies to decorate.)

Let the Snow Fun Begin!

1. Use a flashlight for your igloo fire as you read snow books.
2. Have a friendly snowball fight across a masking tape line on the floor. After all the balls have been tossed, count to see who has the most.
3. Play Match the Mittens: Toss all of the family’s gloves and mittens into a laundry basket. Match the pairs as you talk about color, pattern, size, and type (gloves vs. mittens).
4. Make beautiful, pretend snow angels. Kids especially love this when Mom and Dad do it, too. This one is great for exercising those arms and legs that can get restless on winter days indoors.

Recommended Snow Books

All You Need for a Snowman by Alice Schertle
The Hat by Jan Brett
The Jacket I Wear in the Snow by Shirley Neitzel
The Mitten by Jan Brett Snowballs by Lois Ehlert
The Snowman Storybook by Raymond Briggs
Snowmen at Night by Caralyn and Mark Buehner
There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed Some Snow by Lucille Colandro

Let the snow adventures begin!