Positive Parenting

Increasing Child Health and Happiness

Necessities for child health and happiness include a natural diet, a harmonious environment, positive examples, and effective communication.

The basics of providing necessities for child health and happiness are very often more than what is followed by most parents. The dietary needs for child health will affect physical and emotional health. Children should have a happy and relaxing environment without harsh or negative types of sounds. They need to be taught by example to be positive and patient. Effective communication skills can also help to build happy and healthy relationships for children.

Using Natural Foods to Keep Children Healthy

To ensure physical and emotional health the best food choices are natural, whole foods, and fresh juices. Avoiding processed foods that are artificially sweetened and contain artificial chemical additives can make a world of difference in a child’s behavior and physical health.

As much as possible, all sources of artificial chemicals and anything that could have toxic side effects should be avoided. There are many other sources of harmful toxins in addition to food additives, preservatives, and pesticides.

Other sources of the buildup of toxins in the human system include chemicals in impure water, toxins found in most household cleaners, and overuse of medicines. Many children are also sensitive to any type of aerosols and overuse of perfumes. Anything that is given a child or a child is exposed to should be researched for ingredients and their side-effects.

Noises Can Have Positive or Negative Effects Upon Children

Teaching children by words and examples are both very important, and children will follow examples even more than verbal advice. If they experience and hear patience and cheerfulness they will also learn to be more patient and positive. If they hear sounds that are loud or agitated, they will be loud or sound upset.

As much care as possible should be taken to avoid exposing children to things that might be stressful, including music or television or other sounds that are too loud, or noises that sound inharmonious or negative.

Too much noise, or unhappy sounds, can cause a child to become irritable, restless, and can even have a negative effect on the physical health of most children who are sensitive to noise. Teaching appreciation of quiet, especially by example of reducing household noises such as television has been shown to improve a child’s behavior and outlook.

Positive Actions and Manners Add to Happiness, Health and Safety

Keeping children happy with daily hugs and being held when they are not feeling their best is a habit that everyone should never forget to use.

Personal safety in all of its many aspects, how to help themselves and even how to help family members and others is also one of the most important things to teach children.

Children must be taught various forms of cleanliness to keep them healthy and safe. In addition to nightly showers, they also need to be taught why frequent hand washing and drying is very important to health. When using a public restroom, children should be shown how to use a paper towel to open the restroom door to keep their hands clean after washing.

Teaching children to appreciate and find joy in learning is also important. Teach children by example to help them to be positive, gentle, and kind, and to have a cheerful and thankful disposition. These teachings are a must to positive parenting and happy, healthy children.

Positive and Effective Communication

Communication, always listening, even asking children to rate on a scale of one through ten how important something is to them, can be very helpful to positive parenting. Ask the child to repeat what was just said to be certain that a statement was correctly heard and understood.

Teaching by example is the easiest and quickest way to help children learn. For example, if a child notices that a parent is very appreciative of and fascinated by things such as variations in weather and plants, that child will be much less likely to be unappreciative or bored with the status quo.

When talking with a child, just as talking with an adult, responses and reactions and learning will be greatly improved if the mood, tones of voice, and words are kept as positive as possible. For example, when a complaint is in order, it can be proceeded by a compliment to make it more readily accepted. Sharing laughter with children is also important to bonding and to the health and happiness of children and parents.

Teaching children by both example and words everything they need to know to be safe, healthy, and happy benefits children and all of their family members. It is worth the time and effort because what they learn will help them throughout their entire life and thus could help their own children and maybe even their grandchildren and future generations.