Potty Training Rewards 101

As your preschooler leaves the diapered lifestyle behind and begins to use the potty with regularity, you may want to create a reward system to celebrate each success. Here are some quick and easy reward ideas you can incorporate into your potty training regimen to recognize your preschooler’s effort. Make sure to alternate through this list to keep your preschooler enthusiastic about potty training…nothing works better for learning something than the anticipation of a new reward!

  1. Call a grandparent or a favorite relative to spread the potty training news and let them share in the celebration
  2. Push nap time back for 30 minutes of extra playtime
  3. Give your preschooler some colorful stickers
  4. Place a star on a potty training success chart each time your preschooler uses the potty
  5. Reward a job well done with your child’s favorite treat…and yes…try to make it a healthy treat
  6. Download a printable potty training success certificate. You can personalize it with your child’s name and your preschooler can color the picture
  7. Sing a favorite song, or make up a song and dance just for potty training successes

Of course, hugs and kisses always do the trick, too!

Finally, don’t forget to reward yourself! Successful potty training is just as much of a milestone for you as it is for your child. Keep track of your preschooler’s and your success by using this potty training milestone log to remember your achievements and print your own certificate for parental potty training excellence!