Color Crafts and Activities for Preschoolers

Colorful learning: Fun crafts and activities for preschoolers to learn colors

Learning colors is one of the first educational milestones for young children. It is essential for their cognitive development as it helps to improve their vocabulary, memory, and recognition skills. However, teaching colors to preschoolers can be a challenging task, especially if it is not done in a fun and engaging way. In this post, we will explore some of the best crafts and activities to help your preschooler learn colors in a fun and colorful way!

From creating rainbow collages and sorting colored objects to painting with colored ice cubes and playing color scavenger hunt, we’ve got you covered with a plethora of ideas to make learning colors an exciting and enjoyable experience for your little one. Get ready to create a rainbow of fun with these colorful learning crafts and activities for preschoolers!

Karaoke with Colored Animals

Giving them the freedom to create their own animals is a fantastic way to nurture those imaginations, teach colors and help them remember each other’s names!

Teach your students the song “Mary Had a Little Lamb”. Remember, Mary’s little lamb had fleece as white as snow. Now, after they know the song, provide each student with a small square of construction paper being sure there are numerous colors to go around. Make sure they know what color their paper is. Then have the children pick their favorite animal.

Now, here comes the fun! In a karaoke setting, each student will sing their own song to the tune of Mary Had a Little Lamb. Have them replace the words as follows:

  • Mary = Their own name
  • Little Lamb = Their own animal
  • Fleece as White = skin or fur along with their color
  • As Snow = As + an item that is the same color

This activity encourages them to use their imagination. Everyone will have a good laugh when they sing about a snake as purple as grapes or a cat as green as grass!

Eat your Colors

Eating your colors is a great way to learn about the world around you and have fun at the same time! Start by gathering all the colorful foods you can find. Fruits and vegetables are super tasty and full of nutrients for growing bodies, but don’t forget about colored snacks like cereal or cookies too!

Now it’s time to play. Use your food items to create shapes or even stories. What kind of stories does a blueberry tell? How about an orange slice? As you come up with creative ways to use the colors, your brain will be actively learning them. Pretty cool, huh?

But don’t forget the most important part – eating your colors! Enjoying all the delicious, healthy treats you’ve made will help cement your knowledge and give your brain a reward for all its hard work. Plus, if you make a rainbow plate you’ll look like a super hero!

So gather up some yummy colors and let’s get started on this tasty adventure. It’s time to eat your colors!


Cheese Crackers
Cheddar Cheese
Goldfish Crackers
Carrot Sticks


Green grapes
Kiwi slices

Strawberry yogurt


Purple grapes


White bread
White cheese


Wheat bread
Wheat crackers
Chocolate pudding

Can’t find the right colored foods? Add Food Coloring

Take your favorite foods and add a drop of food coloring to them. Are you in the mood for French toast? Make it green. How about pudding? Make it orange. You can even serve purple milk with your cookies.  No matter which colors you’re studying, you’ll be able to teach the basics by eating it!


Everyone has enjoyed the great game of Monopoly. Now you can teach pre-schoolers colors by using the same great concept. Keeping in mind the layout of the board, use the large side of a cardboard box and markers to make the game board. Instead of using street names for the landing squares, use colors. Randomly lay out 10 different colors in various locations across the board. Using three green squares instead of New York, Tennessee, and St. James squares. Use two red squares instead of the Baltic and Mediterranean Avenues. Use four yellow squares in place of the railroads.

Assign a price and rent for each color. This does not have to be in the form of cash unless you wish to use play money for the game. Using items such as cereal or mini marshmallows is fun because the children get to eat their capital. Ok well, maybe checkers would be better. Don’t forget to replace the Go to Jail square to time out square! Instead of getting a Get out of Time-Out Free card, they miss one turn. A start square will also be necessary.

Make the game simpler for the younger learner by not using squares like Chance or Luxury Tax.

Rainbow Sorting Activity

Rainbow sorting activity is an excellent way to teach preschoolers about colors. It is a fun activity that requires very few materials and can be done both outdoors and indoors. To begin the activity, gather a set of colored objects such as beads, buttons, or blocks, and place them in a bowl or basket.

Then, encourage the preschoolers to sort the objects by color, placing all the red ones in one pile, all the yellow ones in another, and so on, until they have sorted all the colors of the rainbow. This activity can be made more challenging by using shades of each color, such as light blue and dark blue, or by adding new colors to the mix.

Rainbow sorting activity not only helps preschoolers learn about colors but also improves their sorting and fine motor skills. It is also a great opportunity for them to work on their vocabulary and communication skills by identifying and naming the colors as they sort them. Overall, this activity is a fun and engaging way for preschoolers to learn about colors while also developing important skills that will benefit them in the future.

Color Hunt Game

The Color Hunt game is a fun and interactive activity that can help preschoolers learn about colors in a playful way. To play this game, you’ll need to gather a variety of colorful objects like toys, blocks, or even fruit. You can then hide these objects around the room or outside and ask your preschooler to find all the objects of a specific color, like red or blue.

As your child searches for the colored objects, they’ll be actively engaged in identifying and recognizing different colors. You can also make this game more challenging by asking your child to find objects that are a combination of two or more colors, like a yellow and green toy or a red and blue ball.

To make the game even more exciting, you can time your child and see how quickly they can find all the objects of a specific color, or you can turn it into a scavenger hunt by giving them clues to find the objects.

Colorful Sensory Bins

Colorful sensory bins are a great way to teach your preschooler about colors. All you need are some plastic bins, colored rice, and a few small toys or objects to hide in the rice. You can also use other materials like beans, pasta, or even sand.

Choose a few colors and dye the rice by mixing food coloring with white vinegar and water. Once the rice is dry, fill the bins with the different colors and invite your child to explore.
Encourage your child to use all their senses as they play with the rice. They can touch, smell, and even taste the rice (if it’s edible). As they play, they will begin to notice the different colors and sort the objects by color.

For added fun, you can hide small toys or objects in the rice for your child to find. Make sure to use objects that are safe for your child to play with and avoid anything that may pose a choking hazard.

Rainbow Salt Tray Writing

Rainbow Salt Tray Writing is an incredibly fun and easy activity that helps preschoolers learn their colors. All you need is a shallow tray, colored chalk, and salt. Simply fill the tray with salt and smooth it out. Then, choose a few different colors of chalk and rub them into the salt until it is colored. Voila! You now have a beautiful and colorful salt tray.

Next, encourage your preschooler to practice writing their letters, and numbers, or even just draw shapes or pictures in the salt. As they do, the colors will mix together and create a beautiful rainbow effect. This activity not only helps them with color recognition but also with developing their fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination.

You can also use this activity to teach other concepts, such as patterns and sorting. For example, have your child draw a pattern in the salt tray using different colors or sort objects by color and place them in the corresponding colored section of the tray.

Finger Paint and Color Mixing

Finger painting and color mixing is a fun and interactive ways to teach preschoolers about colors. Children love getting their hands messy and mixing colors to create new ones. This activity not only helps with color recognition but also improves hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills.

To start, provide your child with a few primary colored paints, such as red, blue, and yellow, and a large piece of paper. Encourage them to dip their fingers into the paint and make marks on the paper. Let them explore and experiment with mixing colors by combining the primary colors to create secondary colors, such as green, purple, and orange.

You can also make it more challenging by asking them to create specific colors or to make patterns and shapes with the paint. This activity can be done indoors or outdoors, and you can even use different materials to paint on, such as cardboard or canvas.

To make it even more fun, you can add some music and dance while painting to create a colorful and sensory experience for your child. Finger painting and color mixing is an enjoyable activities that will keep your preschooler entertained while also teaching them important skills.

Colorful Collage Making

Collage making is a great activity for preschoolers to learn about colors. Using different colored papers and materials, children can create a colorful masterpiece that showcases their creativity and understanding of color theory.

To start, provide children with a variety of materials such as construction paper, tissue paper, stickers, paint, and markers. Encourage them to use different colors and textures to create their collage.

To make the activity more educational, you can ask children to sort the materials by color before they begin. This will help them recognize and name different colors.

As they work on their collages, you can also ask them to identify the colors they are using and name other objects that are that color. For example, if they are using blue paper, you can ask them to name things that are also blue such as the sky, the ocean, or a blueberry.

Color Scavenger Hunt

A color scavenger hunt is a fun and interactive way to teach preschoolers about colors. Start by creating a list of colors you would like to focus on, such as red, blue, green, yellow, purple, and orange. Then, give each child a small bag or basket and ask them to find objects around the house or classroom that match each color on the list.

For example, if the first color on the list is red, children can look for red apples, red crayons, red toy cars, or anything else in the room that is red. As the children find each item, they can place them in their bag or basket.

The color scavenger hunt can be customized to fit the needs of your group. For younger children, you may want to limit the number of colors on the list to just a few. Older children may be able to handle a longer list or a more challenging hunt.

Making Rainbow Slime

Making rainbow slime is a fun and colorful activity that can help preschoolers learn about colors. This activity is simple and easy to do with just a few ingredients that you probably already have at home.

To make rainbow slime, you’ll need glue, liquid starch, food coloring, and some bowls and spoons for mixing. Start by pouring the glue into a bowl and adding a few drops of food coloring to get the desired color. Mix the glue and food coloring together until it is well combined.

Next, add the liquid starch to the bowl and mix well. Keep adding the liquid starch until the slime starts to form and pull away from the sides of the bowl. You can add more food coloring if you want a brighter or darker color.

Once the slime is formed, you can let your preschooler play with it and stretch it out. They can also mix different colors of slime together to create a rainbow effect. This activity is not only fun and engaging but also helps little ones learn about colors and how they can be mixed together to create new colors.

DIY Color Wheel

One of the most effective ways to teach colors to preschoolers is by creating a DIY color wheel. This is a simple and fun activity that will help your child learn about primary and secondary colors, as well as how to identify and match different hues.

To start, gather materials such as colored paper, glue, scissors, and a circular piece of cardboard or paper plate. Cut out different-sized circles from the colored paper to represent each color of the rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple. Glue these circles onto the cardboard or paper plate in the order of the rainbow.

Next, create smaller circles in the same colors and mix them together to create secondary colors such as orange (red + yellow), green (yellow + blue), and purple (blue + red). Glue these smaller circles onto the corresponding spaces on the color wheel.

Once your DIY color wheel is complete, have your child name each color and identify the primary and secondary colors. You can also use the color wheel to play games such as color matching or asking your child to point to a specific color.

Conclusion and Final Thoughts

In conclusion, teaching colors to preschoolers can be a fun and exciting experience for both the teacher and the student. Implementing crafts, games, and activities that incorporate colors can help children learn and remember colors more effectively. By using everyday objects, like food or nature, and incorporating them into lessons, children can learn to recognize colors in their everyday life.

By using a variety of teaching methods, such as visual aids, songs, and games, children can learn colors in a way that caters to their individual learning styles. Remember to make learning about colors engaging and fun, and your preschoolers will be excited to learn more. With these tips and tricks, you’ll be able to create a colorful learning environment that will keep your preschoolers engaged and eager to learn.