Unschooled Mindset – Parents Of Unschoolers Thoughts

Unschooling or child-led learning has grown in popularity today.  However, there is a certain mindset that one must have in order to make it work for their family. We will now take a look into the unschooled mindset and the way unschooled parents think.

Unschooling – A Philosophy For Change

To begin with, it is important to understand that unschooling is a philosophy for change.  Its truth is not dependent upon passing any type of final judgment, although it is important for children to continue learning regardless of the educational philosophy that is involved.  Nevertheless, there is no doubt that unschooling will cause uneasiness and start commotion because it is such a different way in which children learn.

Unschooling – Deeper Than Rejection?

Many parents view homeschooling as an alternative to their state’s public school system.  This may lead you to wonder if then unschooling should be viewed as a complete rejection of this system.  The answer here is “yes” but it actually goes a whole lot farther than that.

Unschooling represents an alternative child-centered philosophy.  Herein your child doesn’t have curriculum imposed upon them.  As such, the child’s natural curiosity and interests become the driving force behind the learning that is done.

In this regard, the process is more important than the context since unschoolers believe that whenever a child feels secure within their environment they will show off their true nature, which is one of adventure, exploration, and discovery.  According to John Locke, “Curiosity in children is but an appetite for knowledge,” which is something that unschooling parents tend to agree with.

Unschooling – The Precious Grain Of Sand

There is a lot of unease within the education system throughout the world today.  Unfortunately, a lot of teachers who also believe in this type of learning have been stifled by government legislation, large class sizes, and increasing workloads.

As such, these teachers don’t have the time to protest what they think is wrong.  Nevertheless, unschooling parents do have this time, which is why they are bound to lead to the birth of a new way of thinking and doing.  They are bound to cause a fundamental transformation in people’s attitudes whenever it comes to children’s education.

Unschooling – A Voice In The Wilderness?

While prophetic voices are found in the most unlikely places, the truth that they speak is undeniable and this is what draws other people to them.

Take a look at Einstein’s mother.  She never asked him, “What did you learn today?”  Instead, her only question was, “What questions did you ask?”  It is this spirit of inquiry, this quest for understanding, springing from deep within a child’s being that is at the heart of the unschooling philosophy.

Today’s unschooling families may feel alone in asking these questions but these really are not new questions at all.  Furthermore, you would be surprised by just how many people are ready and willing to heed this message when you are ready and willing to share it with them.

Unschooling – A Little Child Will Lead Them

People who do not unschool should see that it is an attempt to free the child to be spontaneous in their learning.  It allows the child to choose, combine and test their experiences in order to learn about the environment around them.

Unschooling parents have to have a lot of courage in order to be able to stand back and allow their children to take the initiative.  This is because not a lot of parents actually have the humility that they need in order to allow a child to lead them.

Remember that this type of courage is contagious and oftentimes it will lead to the first seeds of growth as questions from your heart are brought up for consideration.

Herein lies the main difference between homeschooling and unschooling.  Homeschool families tend to replicate the school experience within their home.  Unschool families provide their children with a completely different type of experience.

This is the unschooled mindset.