Whether for Easter or a simple preschool spring craft, this egg carton garden is a beautiful way to create an easy indoor spring decoration. Have your preschooler collect handfuls of grass clippings, tiny sticks, and pebbles to decorate his/her Flower Egg Carton Garden.
Materials You Will Need

Pink, yellow, or blue egg carton
Green pipe cleaners
Floral foam brick
Tacky glue
Grass, sticks, and pebbles
How to Make It
Step 1:
Cut the egg carton apart into separate cups.
Step 2:
With the pipe cleaner, poke a hole through the bottom of an egg carton cup. Twist the pipe cleaner underneath the cup so the egg carton “tulip” doesn’t fall down. Repeat with all the egg carton cups.
Step 3:
When all the egg carton flowers are assembled, stick them into the floral foam brick.
Step 4:
Spread tacky glue all over the top of the floral foam base. Press the pieces of grass, sticks, and pebbles into the glue. Allow to dry and enjoy your Flower Egg Carton Garden!