As Valentine’s Day approaches, newspapers are filling up with retail ads for Valentine’s products. Don’t throw them away! Grab some scissors and spread the newspaper out. Your preschooler will have a ball picking and choosing plenty of colorful Valentine’s Day products to clip for this Valentine’s Day Heart Collage!
Materials You Will Need

Table of Contents
Newspaper ads
One sheet of construction paper
School glue
Curling ribbon or yarn
How to Make It
Step 1:
Let your preschooler go through the newspaper ads, choosing a handful of Valentine’s Day ad products to clip. If he/she is adept with scissors, let him/her do the clipping.
Step 2:
Clip an odd assortment of colors and sizes of letters spelling V-A-L-E-N-T-I-N-E.
Step 3:
Cut a large heart shape from the construction paper. Hint: Fold the construction paper in half then draw and cut it out, creating an even-sided heart.
Step 4:
Pour a dab of glue on a piece of paper or paper plate. Have your preschooler dip his/her finger in the glue for spreading on the back of each Valentine’s Day newspaper clipping. Glue the clippings around the edges of the heart to create a festive Valentine’s Day border.
Step 5:
Glue the letters in the center of the heart to spell out “Valentine”.
Step 6:
Make a hole in the top of the Valentine’s Day Heart Collage and string a loop of curling ribbon or yarn for hanging on the wall.